Visiting four universities with talented students

HR Manager, Sharry Zhang, and Recruiting and Marketing Coordinator, Rae Slager agree that one of the biggest highlights of their jobs is visiting bright young individuals who want to make positive changes in the world of STEM. This fall, the pair visited four colleges: UW-Madison, MSOE, UW-Milwaukee, and UW-Parkside. With every career fair, they were blown away by the amount of knowledge each student possessed.

As a company that strives to push forward and make history, Yahara Software recognizes the value of young minds. From all four colleges, students impressed Sharry and Rae with their preparedness, professionalism, and tenacity. These students were visibly passionate about the world of tech and had plenty to say about what they could achieve alongside Yahara. In every school and city, a potential Yaharian could be found.

May 2022, plans are underway to open a new developer internship position, and with plenty of resumes to look through, Sharry and Rae believe they will be able to find the perfect fit in no time. We look forward to the next career fair season and the potential that it will bring. We would like to thank UW-Madison, MSOE, UW-Milwaukee, and UW-Parkside for inviting Yahara Software to their career fair events and we hope to attend these schools again in the future.