
Yahara participates in Jingle Bell run


It was cold but we were prepared! Yahara is proud run in the Jingle Bell run to support Arthritis awareness and research. Out partner JMC participated in the joint effort in Atlanta, but were unfortunately snowed out from the run. Next year, we think they should come to Wisconsin and run with us!

Yahara participates in Mock-Interview day at UW

Earlier this month, Yahara's Sharry Zhang had a chance to participate in the UW Comp Sci Mock Interview day. This was a brand new event, put on by the college of Letters & Sciences at the new Successworks office. The event created an environment allowing comp sci students to interact with IT hiring managers to practice their interview skills and receive feedback on both their resume and the interview itself.

Indiana Life Science Summit - Recap

Indiana Life Science Summit Recap by Abbey Vangeloff

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend the Indiana Life Science Summit in downtown Indianapolis. The conference consisted of a two- track, two day program, with an immunology focus science track on the first day and a business track the second day which spanned topics from the state of funding in Indiana, to public health efforts, to new developments in the life sciences space in Indianapolis. If you didn’t get a chance to attend this year, I highly recommend checking it out for next year. The talks were engaging, interesting, and I learned some fascinating new ideas in both science and business. In addition, there were multiple chances to network and meet the Indiana LS community (of which I met quite a few great people).
